Eating a lot of blueberries isn't a substitute for doing a good estate plan that will make sure you get the care you need while maximizing your independence and dignity if you become incapacitated. But it might mean that you don't need to use the plan as soon. At Phinney Estate Law, we loves having our clients' plans go unused for as long as possible. So eat up!
If you have questions about how to plan for your possible future incapacity or how to take care of a loved one with dementia, contact us at [email protected] or (206) 459-1908. We can talk to you about good planning using tools like Powers of Attorney and Health Care Directives. If planning wasn't done in time we can talk about options for guardianship and other less restrictive alternatives.
To learn more about the latest blueberry studies see this article on Web MD. Want to add some blueberries to your diet, check out these tasty recipes:
- Blueberry Zucchini Bread
- Deliciously Sweet Salad with Maple, Nuts, Seeds, Blueberries, and Goat Cheese
- Blueberry Cupcakes