Each year we ask our clients and friends to nominate and vote on new charities to add to the list. To nominate a charity go to our facebook page and post the name of your nominee on our wall. We will be accepting nominations until February 14th. Our only requirements for nomination is that the charity match our firms values of peace, justice, community and family, equality, environmental stewardship, and service to children and vulnerable adults. On February 15th we will name our nominees and start accepting votes on Facebook. The winners will be added to our list on March 15th.
Once a charity is added to the list they are not removed so you don't need to re-vote for any past winners. In addition to donations from clients, the selected charities are given three Planning Packages a year to use for auctions or other fundraising efforts, the option of free classes for staff, members, or volunteers, and free content on relevant issues to their charity for their website or newsletters.
We are planning to add two more charities this year so we hope you will give us some great choices!