But we would also encourage you think beyond just setting good habits and completing paperwork when making resolutions for 2014 and also think about resolving conflict in your life. It is a common misconception about lawyers that we love conflict. For most of us, working in the midst of other people's conflict each and everyday makes us painfully aware of how destructive unresolved conflict can be to health, relationships, and overall happiness. The best part of our job is helping people put those conflicts behind them through conflict coaching, mediation assistance, and collaborative negotiations. And we would love to do more of that in 2014!
So take a little time today and think about whether there are any conflicts in your life that would feel wonderful to resolve in the new year. If any of them feel unresolvable, don't give up - seek help. Conflict coaching can help you to see the problem in a new light and approach the other party and communicate in a way that would be most likely to have the parties get to resolution. Mediation can create a safe space to communicate and tools and assistance in overcoming road blocks. Collaborative Law can help in cases where the issues are complex and the solutions require legal tools to resolve. If you aren't sure what help you need, schedule a free 1/2 hour consultation and we can help you figure that out. The best part, in addition to resolving the conflict at hand, you will be learning about yourself, developing communication skills, and developing strategies to help you with conflicts small and large for the rest of your life.
Happy New Year!